- Ethics

At a minimum, know and understand the ethics canons:

  • Protect society, the common good, necessary public trust and confidence, and the infrastructure. This is “do the right thing.” Put the common good ahead of yourself. Ensure that the public can have faith in your infrastructure and security.

  • Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally. Always follow the laws. But what if you find yourself working on a project where conflicting laws from different countries or jurisdictions apply? In such a case, you should prioritize the local jurisdiction from which you are performing the services.

  • Provide diligent and competent service to principles. Avoid passing yourself as an expert or as qualified in areas that you aren’t. Maintain and expand your skills to provide competent services.

  • Advance and protect the profession. Don’t bring negative publicity to the profession. Provide competent services, get training and act honorably. Think of it like this: If you follow the first three canons in the code of ethics, you automatically comply with this one.